Praise the Lord for His use of other believers to ignite the faith in my life to claim His healing.
A few years ago I had skin cancer on the bottom of my foot, which I did have to go through plastic surgery and had to have the bottom of my foot skin graphed. To me it was a big ordeal, since I had that spot on the bottom of my foot for 20+ years and never would go get it checked out by a doctor. Well I went through the surgery fairly fine and the ordeal of having all the bandages and wound stapled together “yuk”. Then came the healing time. I’m a fairly busy person and to be laid up and move only with crutches was gruelling. After 5 weeks on crutches, I got to the place where I was afraid to step on my foot, afraid of having to go through that experience again. But God knew better for me. He brought a couple of ladies to come and pray for me and it was their faith that helped me trust in Gods healing touch and I began to walk again without the crutches. God is soooo good.

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