Check out this interview for the job of a mother.
It was circulated a year ago and it really is an eye opener to the sacrifice a mother makes for her children and her home.
Take the time today to thank the Lord for your MOM. And all the things that she has done for you.
Our theme for this week is commitment. And maybe many of us are remembering things that our mothers did for us that showed her true commitment. I have heard many stories of those that remember hearing their mom, night after night, praying for their children. And getting them ready every Saturday night for church the next morning. What a great legacy.
How many of you had single moms. Those women that had to raise her children on her own. That is great commitment. Often times I’m sure she felt like she couldn’t do it. But made it through.
Moms are often the driving force behind programs that protect children, keep children involved in sports, groups, church, etc. All because she knows what is best for her child.
Proverbs 31:28
Her children arise and call her blessed;
her husband also, and he praises her
What is the best thing you can give your mother, but the love and honor she deserves.