Key Verse: Amos 3:3 “Can two walk together, except they be agreed?”
Day Four (Day Thirty-two)
Heaven’s Kitchen Part 2
The chef of Heaven’s Kitchen has total confidence in his creation.
How wonderful it is to put our trust into something or someone, all the while knowing, beyond a shadow of doubt, that the end product will appear spotlessly gleaming and shining and done to perfection?
God is confident in His choosing. However emaciated or overstuffed we are when we come to the table, the bread of heaven has the power to transform. Taste and see that the Lord is good.
Is there a history of heart problems in your family? God promises to give us not only a new heart but also a new family: God’s family.
Troubled heart: no problem, eat to your heart’s content! Troubled mind: no worries, the bread of heaven provides peace that passes all understanding. The leaven of the bread of heaven works divine medication that stills raging storms and calms troubled seas. Heavenly manna restores our souls.
New hearts, new minds and a new way of living; all new; brand new; totally new; new creations is what we are!
Are you ready to face the new you?

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