Answer this question – Are you a Christian? Now this question – Are you a missionary? Well if you answered yes to the first question, I hope you answered yes to the second. Because it is true.
Ever since the fall of ‘man’ in the Garden of Eden, God has longed at reconciling mankind to Himself. And it is our MISSION as Christians to help Him in this task. Not that God needs help, but we are His ambassador, being sent forth to reach others for Him.
Like the Mission Impossible T.V. series and movies, God is always sending us messages of the ‘job’ He wants us to take on. Imagine it goes something like this – “Your MISSION (put in your name) should you choose to accept it……”
Accept the challenge that God lays out before you.
Tomorrow at Chemainus Pentecostal,it is our Missions Emphasis Sunday. We financially support two families that have made the personal sacrifice and moved out of the comforts of Canada to live in another country to minister to the peoples of those lands. So it is important that we give financially in the offering to help with that commitment. And praise God that people have dedicated their lives to take on their MISSION that God has given to them.
SO we are not all called to move away from our homes, but we are still offered a MISSION. And that is to reach our families, our neighbours, strangers that God had placed in our path to become saved and have a personal relationship with Him. This makes us missionaries too. And praise God that He has entrusted us with such a great job!
Matthew 28:18-20
Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
This your mission…..should you choose to accept it!