Read 1 Corinthians 15
The inspiration thought for this week is, ‘how are you different because of Jesus resurrection?’ If you really let it sink in, it is such a sobering thought. Makes you really step back and make an evaluation of where you are and/or where you should be in your own Christian walk.

But before we consider that, we have to look at the true meaning of Jesus resurrection and what it truly means. Not only is it real but it is relevant! The resurrection of Christ is the triumphant and glorious VICTORY for every believer.

Resurrection is the foundation of our salvation. Without it our lives would be based on lies. It was told that our Saviour was coming to conquer death and if He could not do that for Himself, how could He save us. NO ONE would be redeemed for our sins.
If there was no resurrection then our faith, our hope for eternal life and our testifying and witnessing for Him is useless. The preaching of Christ and all His works for us would be senseless. And scriptures tell us that if there was no resurrection then Christians would be the most pitied people on the earth.

But……Jesus has been resurrected, and we all shall be made alive (15:22). Christ shall reign as King (15:24). Christ will defeat His enemies (15:25). Christ will abolish death (15:26). What great truths to base our lives upon.

Paul goes on in this passage telling of things he had to endure because of the ‘gospel’ and that we as Christians need to grasp this true concept and basically ‘knock it off’ and live a powerful life no matter what the cost, because ultimately whatever the outcome we are going to heaven to reign with Jesus forever because of His resurrection.

We in Canada have it pretty easy compared to some places that people go to preach the gospel, and definitely easier than in Pauls’ day. I often think about what it would be like if we lived in a place where if we got caught witnessing we could be put to in jail, stoned, put to death. How bold would we be then? I would pray that we could all say, “no matter what the cost”.

But that is personal sacrifice. The reason we need to witness and testify and spread the gospel is still as needed today as it always has been. People are still dying without know that Jesus came and died for them. And time is short, so we need to work fast.
Often times I figure just the way I live my life is testimony enough, but Jesus often reminds me that we need to ‘speak life’ to those around us. And share our testimony. What has Jesus done for you?

So that is your challenge for today, share….
Share with your family. Share with your neighbour, that person that crosses your path today. Be BOLD.

Also go to church, someone there might be ‘dying’ to hear what God has done for you.

And if you would also like to share your testimony here on our website, feel free to do so on the submit a testimony page.

  1. April 20, 2015

    Because we have tasted the goodness of God, and walk in the fulness of God here and now, how terrible it would be if there was nothing more than death and the grave.BUT Praise be to God. Life here on earth is just a taste of the promises God has promised to His children for all eternity.

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