Yesterday we shared a challenge to share a testimony and be bold in doing so. So today, I ‘put my money where my mouth is’, so to speak. Here is my testimony of what God did in our service at Chemainus Pentecostal, just yesterday.
Often times in my own personal times with God, it is like He shares with me just a ‘bit’ of what I feel He feels regarding His children. That feeling is of heart break. Heart break over those that don’t have a relationship with Him, or a lukewarm-ness of those of us that do. Sometimes those feelings are soooo intense that I have to ask Him to stop and take it from me. And then, I can only imagine how much He loves us to have those feelings for us. And rightfully so, He did send His Son to die for us; for YOU, (and me).
Anyways, I experienced that again yesterday in our Service. I know we are feeling God starting to move us in a direction that is going to bring about Revival. But that is going to come at a cost. And I don’t know if I personally am ready for that cost. And that cost is having to leave fellow saints behind because they are not willing to sacrifice things in their lives for them to advance in areas that God is calling us. Are we willing to sacrifice the time and spend quality time in His presence? Are we willing to sacrifice our compromised ‘christian’ lifestyles? Resulting in once again living a clearly separated from the world. And I’ll leave the list at that, cause I know that non of us are perfect. God has work to do on ALL of us. BUT please allow God to help you in the areas He is calling you to ‘clean up’.
In Daniel 5:27 God visits King Belshazzar with a writing on the wall, that Daniel interprets as saying ‘you have been weighed in the balances and found wanting’. Meaning that he did not measure up. What a devastating revelation that would have been, or might be to us even today.
So, lets recognize the prompting of God through His Spirit in areas of our lives that we need to improve so that we can together advance this work together……
I have felt our Pastor’s (frustration) as he ministers the words of God to us His children. It is what God wants us to hear.GOD speaking to US. And we sit there like we were watching some TV show. We laugh a little, clap a little, say Amen once in a while. GOD has so much more for us. He wants to pour out His Spirit upon ALL of us.Fill us all with His LOVE, JOY, PEACE, All that He has He will give us . We must be ready to receive.