Key Verse: Amos 3:3 “Can two walk together, except they be agreed?”
Day One (Day Twenty-nine)
Of prayer, Jesus tells God followers to pray unto “Our Father in heaven …”
Family relations begin in intimacy. God calls the body of believers which makes up His Church, “His beloved” and also “the Bride of Christ”. Can anything be more clearly intimate? God desires intimate relationship with His body of believers. Not a sparrow falls to the earth without the Father’s awareness, even the hairs on our head, God knows their number. We are intimately known by God, and of much greater worth than a sparrow. God cares, so much so that He gave His Son that the world might see His love demonstrated. God’s love is such that it cannot be contained. God’s love is extravagant. It’s love that sees and knows value. We are of great value. And God’s love is constantly and actively seeking to add love’s value to us. That’s the personality of love, and that’s the personality of God. God is love.
Love is not pushy; love will not force itself on you or anybody. Love is rather magnetic; it eagerly meets with those who are drawn near.
God knows our need. He knows intimately our pain. He’s experienced it through His Son. He knows the pain and anguish of broken hearts and broken dreams. The Father’s heart yearns for our homecoming. His eyes are ever searching the horizon and His ears are ever attentive .
Love says, “It’s all right, it doesn’t matter what you’ve done or where you’ve been, I want to hold you near and hear your heartbeat, you don’t have to say a word, you’re come home and that’s all that matters.”
Love is healing. Love is wholeness. Love is incomplete without you. God’s eternal attribute of love never stops looking for you and waiting for you.
That’s God’s intimate desire and nature.
The Bible calls love, the more excellent way. And God wants us to walk with Him.
What do we have to share with God? Everything, God wants to hear everything. And if we’ll stay with Him and listen, we can learn the language of God’s kingdom, it’s the language of love.